DIGISTOR Issues Coronavirus Business Update

DIGISTOR issued an update regarding its business operations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

For more information visit: www.digistor.com

Unedited press release follows:

COVID‐19 Operations and Supply Chain Update April 7, 2020

Below is a follow‐up to DIGISTOR’s Operation and Supply Chain Update dated March 20, 2020.

Meetings and Travel

The suspension of all business travel and in‐person customer or partner meetings has been extended through at least May 3, 2020.

Office and Distribution Operations

• All sales, finance, engineering, customer service and other office administrative staff will continue to work from home until at least May 3, 2020. All employees have been successfully working at home for the past 3 weeks, and we have seen no operational impact to customers or suppliers. DIGISTOR is prepared to continue operating in this manner as long as needed.

• Our assembly, warehouse and distribution facility in Campbell, CA will continue to operate with a reduced staffing level and increased safety protocols. Our distribution facility has been operating with a reduced staff for the past 3 weeks we are happy to report there has been no significant operational impact to customers or suppliers.

Supply Chain

All key factories are running at, or close to 100%. However, we continue to see long lead times for certain materials and key components which has impacted production for some products. We encourage all customers to be proactive with their order planning over the next several months, and longer than usual lead times should be expected.

Business Continuation Plan

• Our business continuation plans remain unchanged, and in an abundance of caution we have already transitioned some assembly/distribution to a backup location with no customer impact.

We appreciate your support and will continue to update our approach as information becomes available from our partners, the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and local authorities.