Understanding Recordable & Rewritable DVD

Hugh Bennett

Author’s Notes

Physical, Logical and Application Specifications

What writable DVD formats are available?
What specifications govern writable DVD discs?
What is the DVD-Video format?
What are the DVD Video Recording, DVD+RW Video and DVD+R Video formats?
What is The Universal Disc Format (UDF)?

Recording Hardware

What types of devices record writable DVD discs?
Are DVD video recorders available that connect to home theater systems?
Are writable DVD camcorders available?
What do the numbers describing a DVD recorder mean?
What types of computer DVD recorder configurations are available?
Do computer DVD recorders write CD-R and CD-RW discs?

Recording Speed

How long does it take to record a writable DVD disc?
Can writable DVD discs written at different speeds be read back at any speed?
How might DVD recording speeds increase in the future?

Physical Compatibility

What types of devices read DVD-R and DVD+R discs?
What types of devices read DVD-RW and DVD+RW discs?
What types of devices read DVD-RAM discs?
What is DVD Multi?
What is the “DVD disc category” and how can it affect playback compatibility?

Disc Size, Configuration and Capacity

What are the physical sizes of CD-R and CD-RW discs?
What configurations of writable DVD discs are available?
Are dual-layer writable DVD discs available?
What blank writable disc capacities are available?
How much information can actually be stored on writable DVD discs?
How many minutes of video can be stored on writable DVD discs?

Copying Deterrents and Content Protection

Can commercial DVD-Video and DVD-Audio discs be copied onto writable DVDs?
What is region management?
What is Content Protection for Recordable Media?

Duplication, Replication and Publishing

What alternatives are available to duplicate DVDs?
What is DVD publishing?
Is it possible to transfer the contents of a DVD-9 video disc onto a writable DVD?
Is it possible to copy one writable DVD disc type onto another?

Disc Labeling

What alternatives are available to label writable DVD discs?

Disc Handling, Storage and Disposal

What is the best way to handle and store a writable DVD disc?
Should fingerprints and dust be cleaned off a writable DVD disc?
What is the best way to clean a writable DVD disc?
Can scratched and damaged writable DVD discs be restored?
Is it possible to recover data from damaged writable DVD discs?
What is the best way to destroy unwanted writable DVD discs?
Can unwanted writable DVD discs be recycled?

Disc Longevity

How many times can a DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM disc be rewritten?
How long will data recorded on writable DVD discs remain readable?

Disc Testing and Verification

Is it necessary to verify a writable DVD disc after recording?
How can the quality of a recorded DVD disc be assessed?

Disc Construction and Manufacturing

What is the construction of DVD-R and DVD+R discs?
How are DVD-R and DVD+R discs made?
What is the construction of DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM discs?
How are DVD-RW, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM discs made?
How does writable DVD and CD disc manufacturing differ?

Appendix A – Suggested Further Reading and Resources

White Papers
Magazines and Newsletters
Directories and Buyer’s Guides
Exhibitions, Trade Shows and Conferences
General Information Websites
General Information Newsgroups and Lists
Industry Associations and Organizations
Licensing, Specifications and Standards Organizations

Appendix B – Industry and Product Contacts

Market Research and Consulting Firms
Duplication and Publishing Systems
Disc Labels and Printers
Disc Manufacturers/Brands
Recorder Manufacturers/Brands
DVD-Video Recorders and Camcorders
DVD-Video Authoring and Encoding
DVD-Audio Authoring and Encoding
Recording Software
Jukeboxes and Network Storage
Disc and Drive Quality Analysis and Testing
Disc Repair, Restoration and Data Recovery
Disc Destruction and Recycling

Understanding Recordable & Rewritable DVD

Hugh Bennett

Information contained in this white paper has been obtained by the author from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the author nor the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) warrant the accuracy nor completeness of such information. Responsibility for the use of the contents shall remain with the user and not with the author nor with OSTA.

Copyright © Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) / Hugh Bennett, 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed or stored in any form by any means without express written permission of the author. Framing, inlining or similar techniques are strictly prohibited.

Trademark Notice
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

About the Author

Hugh Bennett is president of Forget Me Not Information Systems Inc., an optical storage reseller, systems integrator and consultant based in London, Ontario, Canada. An internationally respected industry analyst, researcher, author and educator, Hugh is a contributing editor and columnist for EMedia, the Digital Studio Magazine and the author of numerous white papers, studies and educational campaigns including Understanding CD-R & CD-RW, Running Optimum Power Control: Data Integrity in CD-Recording, Ask Mr. Optical and Optical University.

About OSTA

The Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) was incorporated as an international trade association in 1992 to promote the use of writable optical technologies and products. The organization’s membership includes manufacturers and resellers from three continents, representing more than 85 percent of worldwide writable optical product shipments, working together to educate consumers and shape the future of the optical storage industry. Included among OSTA’s many accomplishments are its groundbreaking CD-R and recordable DVD compatibility efforts, development of the Universal Disc Format (UDF) as well as the MultiRead, MultiPlay, MultiAudio and MusicPhotoVideo (MPV) specifications.