Media-Tech Reborn to Navigate Physical Media Business

The Media-Tech Business Forum announced its successful formation and topics for its upcoming web series dealing with vinyl records and other physical media.

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After a successful start with the first webinar on June 29, 2021, that reached an audience of over 160 participants, the Media-Tech Business Forum continues with the next episode that focuses on sustainability and grows its audience to over 250 participants.

• Next Webinar- “Where Did You Hide the Cassettes?” September 1, 2021

• Replays available at

The Media-Tech Business Forum discussed the topic: Vinyl: More Sustainable Than You Think. Its primary consumable may be derived from fossil fuel, but today’s record is not like yesterdays from the perspective of raw materials including lead-free PVC and recycled paper.

Presenters in this session included Domenic DeCaria, The Vinyl Institute; Dr. Sharon George, Keele University; Nike Koch, Sony Music; Matt Earley, Gotta Groove Records; Ugo Berardinelli, CAF Italy, and moderated by Larry Jaffee, Making Vinyl

Session Highlights:
Domenic DeCaria, Technical Director, The Vinyl Institute:
“The vinyl value chain worldwide has been on a decades-long journey of continuous improvement to produce, use, and reclaim our products and materials more responsibly. Recently, the Vinyl Sustainability Council is excited to collaborate with the record industry to advance environmental stewardship and social diligence. Together, our industry needs to tell our story better – that durable vinyl records are an ideal vehicle to deliver beautiful art to the world with lower life cycle impacts than other forms of distributed media.”

Dr Sharon George, Senior Lecturer, Keele University:
“Pretty much everything we consume has an impact on the environment and music is no exception. Vinyl is plastic, but unlike other cheaper plastic products, it is certainly not a single-use product. If you listen repeatedly, and collect copies of music that you will treasure, and even pass down to your children, then vinyl makes sense.”

Matt Earley, Vice President, Gotta Groove Records
“Vinyl records are a consumer good that is not generally disposable — the majority of record buyers keep their records indefinitely, and those who do not typically will sell/donate them vs throwing them in the trash. By focusing on making high quality records, we at Gotta Groove aim to further ensure that our records are collected and owned for lifetimes.”

Coming Soon:

•    September 1, 5:00 pm CET, the third episode of the Media-Tech business forum: Where Did You Hide the Audio Cassettes?

•    “Making Vinyl & MVDJ” to take place as a virtual event November 3-5, 2021

•    “Making Vinyl” and “Physical Media World” to be held LIVE in Frankfurt, Germany, May 2022

The replay will be online under:

The new format named the “Media-Tech Business Forum Web Series” is a new online platform that will focus on all formats of physical media and will offer monthly webinars for its members. The Media-Tech Business Forum offers global representation and valuable services to the industry, as well as its members by pooling resources in research, quality, and marketing activities. The Media-Tech Business Forum not only promotes physical media but also conducts collective research and provides educational materials to improve the consumer experience.

The Media-Tech Business Forum participants are part of the industry’s central voice guiding and publicizing physical media. As the forum grows, its participants are accessing and exchanging more information, contacts, networking, and promotional activities to help them grow as individual companies and help the industry move forward as a premium consumer experience in an era of streaming.

Colonial Purchasing, the founders of Making Vinyl and Studio Krause, the agency behind the MEDIA-TECH association team up to breathe new life into the Packaged Media Industry. Under the umbrella of the new Media-Tech Business Forum “Making Vinyl” and “Physical Media World” will offer a networking and discussion platform for all physical formats. Audio cassettes, CDs, and Blu-ray discs, Vinyl as well as movers and shakers of the record manufacturing industry will be targeted by the Media-Tech Business Forum.