Memory-Tech Issues Coronavirus Business Update

Memory-Tech Corporation issued an update regarding its business operations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

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Translated press release follows:

Memory Tech Co., Ltd. Notice of shift to work-at-home system to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection

April 02, 2020 — Thank you very much for your special attention.

In light of the rapid expansion of new coronavirus infections in the Tokyo metropolitan area over the past few days, and the occurrence of infected persons at our Tokyo office, our Tokyo divisions will be working from home on principle from April 3, 2020. We would like to inform you that we have decided to shift to a system that does.

We anticipate that the following actions will cause inconvenience to our business partners and all other parties concerned, but we will do our best to prevent any hindrance to your business as much as possible. We will support you. We kindly ask for your understanding in light of the current situation.


1. From April 3 (Friday), we will move to work from home in each department of our company in Tokyo. Regarding future correspondence, we will re-examine and inform you as of April 13 (Monday).

2. It is expected that we will not be able to respond to our outside line telephones. Please contact us at the email address of each person in charge of our company.

3. Regarding meetings, we would appreciate your cooperation in video conferences and telephone conferences. For meetings that are not in a hurry, please consider postponing the schedule.

4. Gotemba Factory and Tsukuba Advanced Technology Center will continue to operate normally.

In addition, regarding the department in the Tokyo area where the infection occurred the other day, from April 1 (Wednesday) the day after the occurrence was confirmed, all members of the department continue to work from home to keep track of their health status. As stated above, we decided to expand the scope of implementation and work from home in all departments in the Tokyo area.

We will continue to take necessary measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and make the highest priority on ensuring the health and safety of everyone involved and employees. We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.