Rimage Issues Coronavirus Business Update

Rimage Corporation issued an update regarding its business operations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

For more information visit: www.rimage.com

Unedited press release follows:

Our Response To The COVID-19 Pandemic

In this unprecedented time Rimage is working hard to provide critical services to our clients and communities, while doing everything we can to protect our team members. Most of our office employees are currently working from home and are providing sales and support while maintaining sheltering-in-place, self-quarantining, and/or social distancing. California has deemed our production and fulfillment facilities “essential” and we are taking thorough precautions to ensure the safety of team members working at those facilities, as well as increasing our redundancy protocols to help prevent any production and/or delivery delays. At this time, Rimage is not experiencing any disruptions in servicing our clients. As the situation continues to evolve, we will continue to keep you informed. For any specific questions or concerns, please continue to work with your RBM or contact us at sales@rimage.com.