Singulus Reports 2018 Results

Singulus Technologies announced financial results for its full 2018 business year.

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SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Publishes Positive Full-Year Results for 2018

• Sales increased about 40 %

• Positive EBIT in the amount of € 6.8 million

• Increase in sales and EBIT for 2019 planned

Kahl am Main, March 28, 2019 – The SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG (SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES) reports sales of 127.5 million for the business year 2018 (previous year: € 91.2 million). This corresponds to an increase in sales by 39.8 % compared with the level achieved in 2017. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) improved significantly to € 6.8 million in 2018 (previous year: € -1.2 million). Due to the positive business performance the profit improved to € 0.8 million in fiscal year 2018 (previous year: € -3.2 million). The forecast for the business year 2018 was therefore achieved.

Dr. Ing. Stefan Rinck, CEO, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES: “Our company was able to develop dynamically in the business year 2018. We met the forecast for the business year 2018 completely. In the Solar segment we were very successful in the business year 2018. We are also very pleased about the positive developments in the work areas Semiconductor, Decorative Coatings as well as Medical Technology.”

Total order intake in the amount of € 86.8 million in the period under review was on a comparable level to the prior-year (previous year: € 88.0 million). The order backlog as of December 31, 2018 stood at € 66.0 million (previous year: € 106.7 million). The Group generated an operating cash flow of € 2.5 million in fiscal year 2018 (previous year: € -14.1 million). In the reporting period the gross margin of 28.1% was on par with the previous year (28.1%).

The headcount in the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Group increased to 343 employees as of December 31, 2018 due to recruitment of personnel with key qualifications (December 31, 2017: 315 employees). The number of staff in Germany as of the end of the year amounted to 293 employees (previous year: 279 employees).

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES expects sales and key earnings pursuant to IFRS to rise in the current fiscal year compared to the fiscal year 2018. Sales are forecast to amount to between € 135.0 million and € 155.0 million for the 2019 fiscal year. Operating earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is also overwhelmingly likely to grow and amount to between € 6.0 million and € 11.0 million.

The key sales and earnings momentum are expected from the Solar segment and, within this segment, from the major project orders for investments in production lines for CIGS solar modules. On the basis of the current project plans, the forecast growth in the Group rests on the realization of the ongoing projects as well as the start of expected new projects for CNBM’s new and expanded CIGS sites. In its budget for the fiscal year 2019, the Executive Board considers it highly probable that the delivery agreements will be signed and the corresponding prepayments received in the coming months.

Measured against the mean value in the ranges described above, the company forecasts further growth in sales for 2020. The operating result (EBIT) should increase accordingly.

At a Glance – Key financial figures 2018 – 2017

2018 2017
Gross Revenue in million € 127.5 91.2
Order Intake in million € 86.8 88.0
Order Backlog (31.12.) in million € 66.0 106.7
EBIT in million € 6.8 -1.2
Profit Before Tax in million € 4.8 -2.8
Net Result in million € 0.8 -3.2
Operating Cash Flow in million € 2.5 -14.1
Shareholders´ Equity in million € 19.7 20.2
Total Assets in million € 104.1 87.9
Expenses Research & Development in million € 13.4 8.6

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES – Innovations for New Technologies
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES develops and assembles innovative machines and systems for efficient and resource-saving production processes, which are used worldwide in the solar, semiconductor, medical technology, consumer goods and optical disc sectors.

The company‘s core competencies include various processes of coating technology, surface treatment and wet-chemical and thermal production processes.