Singulus Reports Q2 2018 Results

Singulus Technologies announced financial results for the second quarter of 2018.

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SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES achieves high order backlog- significant increase in sales for 2018 expected

• Order intake in the first half year at € 65.0 million (previous year: € 26.1 million)

• Order backlog as of June 30 at € 125.3 million substantially above prior-year level

• Sales at prior-year level with a still slightly negative EBIT amounting to € -1.2 million (previous year: € 2.5 million)

• Full-year forecast with positive operating result (EBIT) confirmed

Kahl am Main, August 14, 2018 – The SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG (SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES) reports half-year sales for 2018 of € 46.4 million, which is around the prior-year level of € 48.3 million. In the 2nd quarter 2018 significantly higher sales of € 29.1 million were recorded compared with the prior year period (€ 22.2 million). Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, CEO of SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES: “Our order intake in the first half-year and the high order backlog as per June 30, 2018 provide a good basis for the sales recognition in the further course of the year. We expect a significant increase in sales within the group of companies to a low triple-digit million Euro range. Accordingly, the operating result before interest and taxes (EBIT) for the business year 2018 is projected to be positive in a mid-single-digit million Euro range.”

The second quarter 2018 was positive with an EBIT of € 0.4 million (previous year: € 1.1 million), which already reflects the uptrend in earnings. Accumulated for the first half of 2018 was slight negative earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) at € -1.2 million (previous year: € 2.5 million). The EBITDA in the amount of € -0.3 million for the first six months was below the prior-year level of € 3.5 million. In the business year the gross margin increased from 27.1 % in the first quarter to 28.8 % in the first half-year (previous year: 30.0 %).

The orders intake in the first half of 2018 improved from € 26.1 million in the previous year to currently € 65.0 million. The high order backlog of € 125.3 million (June 30, 2017: € 87.7 million) to a large extent includes machines for the production of CIGS solar modules for the Chinese state-owned enterprise China National Building Materials (CNBM) as well as other customers who have ordered equipment for the Asian market.

Dr.-Ing. Rinck adds: “Our new work areas also received additional orders during the reporting period. In addition to the large order in the Semiconductor segment, we received a first order from the automotive industry for our DECOLINE II, as well as another order for a processing machine for medical technology.”

The headcount within the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Group remained at a constant level of 318 employees as of June 30, 2018 (December 31, 2017: 315 employees).

SINGULUS company key figures according to IFRS (unverified)

1st Half Year 2017 2018
Revenue (gross) million € 48.3 46.4
Order intake million € 26.1 65.0
Order backlog (06/30) million € 87.7 125.3
EBIT million € 2.5 -1.2
EBITDA million € 3.5 -0.3
Earnings before taxes million € 1.7 -2.3
Profit/loss for the period million € 1.7 -2.4
Employees (06/30) 312 318
Earnings per share, basic 0.21 -0.27

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES – Innovations for New Technologies
SINGULUS TECHNOLGOIES builds innovative machines and systems for efficient and resource-friendly production processes. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES’ strategy is to take advantage of its existing core competencies and to expand these further.

The core competencies include vacuum coating, surface processing, wet-chemical and thermal production processes. The company offers machines, which are used worldwide in the solar, semiconductor, medical technology, consumer goods and optical disc sectors. For all of the machines, processes and applications SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES harnesses its automation and process technology expertise.