Singulus Reports Q3 2018 Results

Singulus Technologies announced financial results for the third quarter of 2018.

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Unedited press release follows:

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Reports Strong Increase in Sales and Earnings

• 43 % Increase in sales from € 63.3 million to € 91.0 million

• Positive EBIT of € 4.0 million for nine months (previous year: € 0.4 million)

• Gross margin of 30.1 % at a high level

• Orders for new work areas received

• Letters of Intent for CIGS projects of about € 200 million currently signed

Kahl am Main, November 15, 2018 – SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES recorded a positive course of business for the past nine months and reports a significant increase in sales and earnings (EBIT). During the first nine months of the current business year, the company generated sales of € 91.0 million, which was 43 % above the prior-year level of € 63.6 million. The EBIT for the first nine months in the amount of € 4.0 million considerably exceeded the prior-year level in the amount of € 0.4 million.

During the first nine months of the business year 2018 the order intake came to € 74.6 million, also considerably above the prior-year level of € 53.4 million in 2017. The order backlog amounted to € 90.3 million as of September 30, 2018 (previous year: € 99.7 million). The gross profit margin of 30.1 % (previous year: 29.7 %) remains at a high level. As of September 30, 2018, the available liquid funds amounted to € 27.4 million (December 31, 2017: € 27.2 million).

In the past week and in the course of the China International Import Expo Show (“CIIE” from November 5-10, 2018) in Shanghai, China, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES signed several letters of intent (LOIs) for the delivery of production machines for the manufacturing of CIGS thin-film solar modules.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, CEO of the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG, comments: “The LOIs, which our company signed in the past week for the delivery of large production machines for the manufacturing of CIGS solar modules, confirm our close partnership with CNBM and our leading position in the market segment for CIGS thin-film solar modules.” Dr. Rinck continues: “The signed agreements concern three sites in China in the cities of Bengbu, Xuzhou and Meishan. The volume of the planned deliveries at the three sites totals about € 200 million.”

CNBM strives for the set-up of a total 1.2 GW CIGS production capacity and thus continues its investment and expansion plans in China for the establishment of production capacity of 6 GW as planned. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES now works with the customer on the signing of the legally binding delivery contracts on the basis of the signed LOIs. The production and delivery of the machines are mainly scheduled for the years 2019 and 2020.

The headcount within the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Group increased to 343 persons as of September 30, 2018 (December 31, 2017: 315 employees) mainly due to the expansion of the subsidiary located in Shanghai, China.

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES expects a favorable course of business in the fourth quarter and confirms its forecast for the full-year 2018 with sales in a low triple-digit million range. Accordingly, the EBIT for the business year 2018 is set to amount to a positive mid single-digit million range. The key sales and earnings drivers are expected to stem from the Solar segment.

For the business year 2019, the company currently expects a further increase in sales and the operating result (EBIT). This assessment rests on the assumption of continued growth in the photovoltaics markets, in particular in the area of CIGS. Furthermore, the new work areas decorative coating and medical technology are forecast to contribute to sales and earnings.

Consolidated key figures 3rd quarter 2017/18
2017 2018
Sales (gross) in million € 15.3 44.6
Order intake in million € 27.3 9.6
EBIT in million € -2.1 5.2
EBITDA in million € -1.7 6.0
Earnings before taxes in million € -2.7 4.7
Net profit/loss in million € -2.8 4.7
Research & development expenses in million € 2.4 4.2
Consolidated key figures nine months 2017/18
2017 2018
Sales (gross) in million € 63.6 91.0
Order intake in million € 53.4 74.6
Order backlog (Sept. 30) in million € 99.7 90.3
EBIT in million € 0.4 4.0
EBITDA in million € 1.8 5.7
Earnings before taxes in million € -1.0 2.4
Net profit/loss in million € -1.1 2.3
Operating cash flow in million € -18.2 13.9
Shareholders’ equity (Sept. 30) in million € 11.9 22.3
Balance sheet total (Sept. 30) in million € 74.4 101.0
Research & development expenses in million € 6.5 9.0
Employees (Sept. 30) 313 343
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic 8,087,752 8,896,527
Earnings per share, basic -0.14 0.26

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES – Innovations for New Technologies
Based on its core competencies SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES builds innovative machines and systems for economic and resource-efficient production processes.

The core competencies include coating technology, surface treatment, wet-chemical as well as thermal production processes. The company offers machines, which are globally deployed in the photovoltaics, semiconductor, medical technology, consumer goods and optical disc sectors. For all machines, processes and applications SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES draws upon its know-how in the areas of automation and process technology.