Pioneer Unveils Archival Blu-ray Recorder and Discs

Pioneer Corporation announced its new archival Blu-ray recorder (BDR-WX01DM) and compatible BD-R discs (IPS-BD11J03P).

Canada Optical Disc Drive Class Action Payment Update

The law firms involved in the Canadian optical disc drive (CD/DVD/BD) price-fixing class action provided an update on the status of claim payments.

Pioneer Rolls Out Four Portable Blu-ray Recorders

Pioneer Electronics announced its new portable BDR-XD08UMB-S, BDR-XD08B, BDR-XD08S and BDR-XD08G Blu-ray Disc (BD) recorders.

Pioneer Launches Three Internal Blu-ray Recorders

Pioneer Electronics announced its new internal half-height BDR-S13U-X, BDR-S13UBK and BDR-2213 Blu-ray Disc (BD) recorders.

Pioneer Unveils BDR-X13U-S and BDR-X13UBK Blu-ray Recorders

Pioneer Electronics announced its new BDR-X13U-S and BDR-X13UBK external Blu-ray Disc (BD) recorders.

Canada Optical Disc Drive Class Action Yields $29.7 Million

The law firms involved in the Canadian optical disc drive (CD/DVD/BD) price-fixing class action announced the courts have approved a protocol for distributing the $29.7M settlement.

HLDS Rolls Out Portable DVD Recorder for Multi-OS

Hitachi-LG Data Storage (HLDS) announced its new portable Multi-OS (Android, Windows, Mac OS) DVD/CD recorder, drive and player is now available through Amazon in the United States.