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	<title>Free the TV Developer Day &#8211; Hugh&#039;s News</title>
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	<description>Blu-ray Disc, DVD, CD, Holographic, Magnetic, Flash, Gaming, 3D, 4K Ultra HD - News, Technology, Analysis, Insight</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:21:58 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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		<title>Samsung Hosts Free the TV Developer Day</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Hugh Bennett]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:21:58 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Trade Shows and Conferences]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Free the TV Challenge]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Free the TV Developer Day]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Samsung Apps]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Samsung Electronics]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.hughsnews.ca/?p=9395</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced that it is holding its first Free the TV Developer Day in the U.S. for Samsung TVs at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. For more information visit: www.samsung.com ; www.FreeTheTVChallenge.com Unedited press release follows: Samsung Attracts Developers to New Era of Smart TV $500,000 in Prizes and a New ...</p><p><a href="http://www.hughsnews.ca/samsung-hosts-free-the-tv-developer-day-009395" class="more-link">Continue reading &#8216;Samsung Hosts Free the TV Developer Day&#8217; &#187;</a>]]></description>
		<title>Samsung Announces Speakers for TV Developer Day</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Hugh Bennett]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 25 Aug 2010 15:29:48 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Trade Shows and Conferences]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Free the TV Challenge]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Free the TV Developer Day]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Samsung Apps]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Samsung Electronics]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Samsung Electronics America]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.hughsnews.ca/?p=9143</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Samsung Electronics America, Inc. announced the lineup of speakers for its upcoming &#8220;Free the TV Developer Day,&#8221; to be held on August 31 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, CA. According to the statement, The &#8220;Free the TV Developer Day&#8221; is part of Samsung’s applications contest entitled the &#8220;Free the TV Challenge,&#8221; which seeks ...</p><p><a href="http://www.hughsnews.ca/samsung-announces-speakers-for-tv-developer-day-009143" class="more-link">Continue reading &#8216;Samsung Announces Speakers for TV Developer Day&#8217; &#187;</a>]]></description>