Monthly LCD TV Production Hits Record High
NPD DisplaySearch announced it reckons that LCD TV production reached a monthly record high of 19.8 million units in October and expects the same in November.
NPD DisplaySearch announced it reckons that LCD TV production reached a monthly record high of 19.8 million units in October and expects the same in November.
NPD In-Stat announced it forecasts that the number of HDMI-enabled device shipments will surpass one billion in 2014, while DVI-enabled shipments will decline by 9.4% annually through 2015.
The Wireless Speaker and Audio (WiSA) Association announced its formation and mandate to establish interoperability specifications and certification testing programs for manufacturers of wireless speakers and related CE devices.
OnLive, Inc. announced its new OnLive app, which allows tablet and smartphone users to play big name console games on the company’s cloud gaming service.
Rovi Corporation and Decipher announced the results of a two-phase study that investigated Smart TV usage and interactive advertising in the United Kingdom.
PNY Technologies announced its new 16-foot white Smart Active High Speed HDMI cable, which is targeted at Apple device owners.
The Azend Group announced that it will showcase its Envizen Digital-branded 7” Home Roam TV at the 2012 International CES in Las Vegas.
Acer America announced its new H9500BD Full HD 1080p 3D projector ($1,999.99).
Researchers from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) announced they have successfully circumvented the High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) system.
In the promotional run-up to Christmas, The Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) announced it foresees great holiday sales for 60-inch(+) HDTVs, 3DTVs and Blu-ray Disc (BD) players.
Frank N. Magid Associates announced the results of its annual study of U.S. consumer video consumption habits.