Over 300 Million DivX-Enabled Devices Shipped

DivX, Inc. announced that over 300 million DivX devices have now shipped into the global market from consumer electronics manufacturers.

Motorola Enhances 3D TV Set-Top Boxes

Motorola, Inc. announced software enhancements for its DCX line of set-tops that provide consumers with a seamless 3D TV experience in their home. According to the statement, by enabling 3D content to be processed in the set-top before delivery to the 3D-capable television, consumers will no longer be confused by having to use remote controls …

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Nine MPEGIF Members Exhibiting at NAB 2010

The MPEG Industry Forum (MPEGIF) announced that nine of its member companies (Amino, Cisco, dicas, Fraunhofer, Harmonic, Motorola, MainConcept, Nagravision and VBrick) will exhibit at NAB 2010, taking place in Las Vegas, NV between 12 April and 15 April 2010.