Netflix Inks Streaming Agreement with Warner Bros. Television
Netflix announced that it has signed a licensing agreement with Warner Bros. Television Group.
Netflix announced that it has signed a licensing agreement with Warner Bros. Television Group.
LG Electronics announced that it will showcase it latest audio and video products at CES 2013, including new speaker systems, sound bars and Blu-ray 3D players with Smart TV features.
Redbox Instant by Verizon announced details of its soon-to-launch service that features DVD, Blu-ray and digital movie rentals as well as purchases.
Netflix announced that it has signed a new multi-year licensing agreement that will make Netflix the exclusive U.S. subscription television service for first-run live-action and animated feature films from The Walt Disney Studios.
Sony Computer Entertainment and Netflix announced that the PlayStation 3 (PS3) is the preeminent TV-connected platform for Netflix viewing.
Sandvine announced its latest research suggests that Netflix continues to dominate North American fixed network traffic.
The NPD Group announced its research suggests that women and girls now constitute the majority of viewers of TV episodes streamed for free from services such as Hulu and network-TV websites.
Netflix announced that its Board of Directors has adopted a stockholder rights plan and declared a dividend distribution of one right for each outstanding share of Netflix common stock.
Netflix announced that it has more than 30 million members worldwide, including over 25 million in the United States.
Netflix announced that its streaming film and TV subscription service is now available in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Netflix, Inc. announced that it will release its third quarter 2012 financial results on October 23, 2012.